Outreach 2007

All things bacon! 

Bacon works very hard to spread the message of FIRST throughout the year. Here are some of our outreach events of 2007:

  • Lockheed Martin “take your child to work day”
  • Florida VEX State Competition
  • Siemens
  • Learning 2000
  • Kiwanis Club
  • Outback Steakhouse Restaurant
  • Boy Scout Vex Competition
  • During the off-season we decided we would experiment with the Vex program. We partnered with Boy Scout Troop 363 to hold an unofficial VEX competition.  It was open to FRC teams, Boy Scout teams, father-son teams, and anyone else who wanted to participate. Our team had such a fun time hosting the competition, that we decided to form an official VEX team to compete in FVC.


Lockheed Martin has been a sponsor of 1902 since the very beginning and we have worked throughout those year’s to show our appreciation by helping make their events a success as well.