Our hard working and determined students built a competitive robot and have made award winning impact in the community.
- We have started #FIRSTLikeAGirlan international movement to encourage girls in STEM.
- Created Spark science kits for children in areas with few resources.
- Our students make a difference in the community year-round with an average of 1,000 student hours of outreach per year.
Through these efforts and more 4-H Exploding Bacon earned the Chairman’s Award at the Orlando Regional, were Finalists at the Bayou Regional and qualified to compete at the World Championship Competition in Houston, TX, April 19-22 against 400 of the world’s best robotics teams.[/threecol_one][threecol_two_last][/threecol_two_last]
[twocol_one]Traveling with a robot and 24 students is expensive!
Please consider helping our team with travel costs.
Unfortunately we can only accept payments via check or money order at this time.
Please mail to our treasurer (address provided in form confirmation) or arrange with one of our students or mentors to pick up the check.
Thank you 1902 times for your support!
Thank you for your help to get our students to the World Championship in Houston. #OinkOinkBOOM[/twocol_one][twocol_one_last]Complete this form to let us know how much you can support our trip to Champs![/twocol_one_last]