Donations & Fundraisers
Join our amazing team of partners!
If you would like to help 1902 in ways other than financially we would love to hear from you too! Please contact us and let us know what might work for you.
4-H Exploding Bacon Robotics Club is an Orange County 4-H club, a not-for-profit organization with full 501(c)3 status.
This means that, in most situations, your donations may be tax deductible. (please consult your tax preparer to be certain).
No endorsement is implied or intended.
Sponsor Levels:
$1-499 – Piglet
Listed on Website
Invitation to Sponsor Dinner
Our undying love and gratitude!
$500-999 -Squealer
All of the above, plus
Listed on T-shirts
Link on the team website
$1K-4,999 – Big Bacon
All of the above, plus
Company name or logo (Small)
on T-shirt and Robot
$5K-9,999 – Power Pig
All of the above, plus
Company name or logo (Medium) on
T-shirt and Robot
Logo Displayed in the pit
$10K and above – Wilbur’s Inner Circle
All of the above, plus
Company Name or Logo (Large)
on T-shirt and Robot
Company name on marketing materials